Sunday, October 16, 2016

Sunday, 10/17/16

Shalom and Happy New Year!

It was so good to be back at religious school; I really missed your children!

We started our day with a quick review of Sukkot, and I was happy to hear that quite a few children were building a sukkah at home with their families and planned to eat, read, and even sleep in it during the holiday. With the warm weather forecasted for early this week, that could really be pleasant!

Everyone will have the opportunity to visit our temple's sukkah this week. Today we made decorations, working independently and in small groups to create paper chains, fruit baskets, decorative fruit constructions, and other artwork. We'll be hanging their creations in the sukkah early in the week, and beginning Hebrew classes in the sukkah so everyone can perform the mitzvah of shaking the lulav and etrog and reciting the blessing. Stop by the sukkah during the week and see how beautiful it looks!

Our service with Rabbi Meyer was full of music and learning, and he picked up our story--the story of the Jewish people--where he left off a few weeks ago, with Moses growing up in Pharoah's house. Next Sunday, we find out how Moses learned out that he was Jewish.

Morah Jill said that the class is working very well on their technology project about Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, and Simhat Torah, and that the three groups will finish next Sunday and then view all the final products. This elective gives them the opportunity to use iPads in a creative way, do research, and work in small groups to learn about the Jewish holidays. Can't wait to see what they've done!

Enjoy your week,

Morah Debbie

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